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XML!! Lets bang square peg into round hole!!

2004-05-31 23:11:47

In my (humble) opinion:

Why are people actually STILL contemplating using XML?  What the hell
has gone wrong with the world?!  Kudos to those of you with the
sensibility to avoid this bastard child thus far, and I tip my hat in
the general direction of those who have left the building already in
disgust, I feel your pain.  This isn't a problem requiring copius
amounts of intelligence here fellows!

For the record, I do not hate XML, rather the contrary, in fact in the
right place, its actually proven its self rather useful.  That being
said, there is one thing that I can not tolerate, and thats the WRONG
tool for the job.  Those of you still complemplating the use of XML need
to consider adjusting your dosage.  I'm in absolute awe of the stupidity
running rampant not only on the internet, but now apparently also on
this list.  Please, stop it!  If you find this insulting, I apologize,
the truth often hurts.  I know i'm not alone here when I voice this

All this psychobabble is to the detriment of the very reason we're
here.  There are no more proposals necessary here.  The tools are
nearing maturity, and deployment continues to scale.  Put the
"Internetting for Dummies" book down and have a gentle dose of reality
here.  Please don't make SPF a victim of the last mile problem...

- Using TCP is _NOT_ an option.  People are already skeptical about
SPF's extensive use and reliance on DNS with statements like "the straw
that broke the camel's back", and associating acronyms like "dDoS/DoS"
with SPF.  Lets not give those who are not in favour of SPF ACTUAL
justification to boycott it.

- Allowing people to specify mechanism(s) which people may be optionally
ignore is NOT an option.  Its just plain outside of the scope of this
entire operation, and I dare say down right stupid/ignorant.  It may
look good on paper, but its not.  Its only going to hurt the underlying
goal here.  SPF works just __FINE__ the way it is, just what on earth
has gotten into those of you who think otherwise?

- There is no compromise here.  The SPF syntax handles all things
necessary to stop forgery, it simply nees to continue towards mass
deployment.  This is an undisputable FACT.

- Enough nonsense already, SRS works, and there are already forwarders
using it, yes, ALREADY FORWARDERS USING IT.  My grandmother used to say
that excuses are like assholes, everyone has one and they all stink. 
Those of you still bickering about SRS, apply this as necessary.

- Microsoft wants to use XML.  Microsoft wants to jump off a bridge? 
Shall we all hold hands and jump together because Microsoft wants to?  


Microsoft was here back in December peddling CID, and they were sent on
their own way only to fail miserably, and so they come back and peddle
their wares to the people once again.  In plain english, this says to
me, that SPF is doing something right, so right in fact, one of the
worlds richest companies went up against it and lost.  Well if you can't
[beat|buy|own|sue] em join em eh Billy?

Grow up children.  You don't need to be sharper than a bowling ball to
be aware that XML is not only __NOT__ required to stop forgery, it only
makes it __HARDER__ to facilitate the very technology we've all been
working with here.  For those of you who recently learned about SPF,
many of us here have been making extensive use of it without any
problems thus far without problem.

Honestly, by the time the SPF warrants real change, we'll all likely be
using something like DK any ways.  SPF is simply a means to an end, lets
not discuss this XML nonsense any further and allow it to be an end to
our means.



James Couzens,
http://libspf.org -- ANSI C Sender Policy Framework library
http://libsrs.org -- ANSI C Sender Rewriting Scheme library
PGP: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xBD3BF855

Sender Policy Framework: http://spf.pobox.com/

The Inbox Event at the Marriott San Jose features SPF.
   June 2: Email Accountability Symposium (free)
   June 3: SPF Strategy BOF (free) where industry will coordinate deployment 
   Times: 6:30pm - 8pm, both sessions.  http://www.inboxevent.com/

Archives at http://archives.listbox.com/spf-discuss/current/
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