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Re: XML!! Lets bang square peg into round hole!!

2004-06-01 09:34:24
        I think people are failing to miss what I thought was the entire
point of James' intent which was why are we even bothering to waste time
contemplating the use of XML within DNS records for the publishing of
information. Enough with the Microsoft bashing, sure can't say I've done
my fair share of it, but the point is not to bash Microsoft and CID or
atleast that's not how I read James' email. The point is XML is
completely unnecessary for the task at hand. Use the right tool for the
job for pete's sake. You wouldn't see a brain surgeon using needle nose
pliers during surgery would you? Or a construction worker using a tack
hammer to break up concrete? So why use XML within DNS which is totally
not required to do the job.


On Tue, Jun 01, 2004 at 02:26:54AM -0500, rgreene(_at_)tclme(_dot_)org wrote:
James Couzens said:

In my (humble) opinion:

Why are people actually STILL contemplating using XML?  What the hell
has gone wrong with the world?!...  ---- Snip ----

Golly!  I get the impression that you may not like this whole "let's merge
SPF & CID" thing.

I agree that SPF works as is.  Leave it alone.  It does not need
Microsoft's nor Yahoo's blessing to continue to spread.  I was happiest
with the proposal before it began it's v2 feature bloat.  It was simple,
elegant and effective.