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RE: dynamic DNS and SPF?

2004-06-04 16:13:50
On Fri, 2004-06-04 at 15:38, Scott Kitterman wrote:

I actually did this for verizon.  I came up with ip4:  YMMV.

I am in the midst of deciding between Verizon DSL and Comcast cable and
tried to do the same thing for Comcast.  I don't have enough data yet to
draw any conclusions beyond the answer will be more complex than it was for
Verizon.  I sent Comcast a tech support e-mail this morning asking for them
to either give me the IP range for their SMTP servers or to (preferably)
publish their own SPF record.

I referred them to both spf.pobox.com and the aol.com SPF page (for an
example).  So far the only answer I've gotten is that the request has been
escalated.  Any other Comcast users out there, this would be the time to

I don't know how slow and "Telco-like" many of the ISP's are in the
States or elsewhere, but one of the largest ISP's here in Canada (whom
also happen to be the Telco for British Columbia, and Alberta), have
been publishing SPF records for some time, and having dealt previously
with various aspects of this organization in the past I can't tell you
how shocked I was to see them publishing SPF records for they are
without a doubt the slowest moving, red-tape-entangled, and often
appearing dead to reality, ISP I've ever had the misfortune to use
service from or to have business dealings with.  

The company I'm referring to by the way is Telus (formerly BC Tel). 
There is even a running joke around here something along the lines of
"Telus what you want so we can !(_at_)#$ it up".  Moral of the story here, if
they are publishing, it sounds like its not too much of a stretch to get
(IMO) most other ISP/Telco's to publish.  There is a lot of pressure on
(at least here in Canada) between ISP's to deliver SPAM relief to
customers.  SMTP Anti-Forgery certainly falls under this category.

It might be worth while to cite what other (insert appropriate
motivational descriptor here) ISP's are doing as a motivation...



James Couzens,
http://libspf.org -- ANSI C Sender Policy Framework library
http://libsrs.org -- ANSI C Sender Rewriting Scheme library
PGP: http://gpg.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x6E0396B3

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