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Re: SPF-compliant phishing?

2004-09-15 10:07:52
On Wed, 15 Sep 2004, David Woodhouse wrote:

The example which really interests me is #1. Forgive me, I'll repeat it:

        Received: from [2002:c1ed:8229:10:2c0:f0ff:fe31:e18] (helo=joeslaptop)
              by pentafluge.infradead.org with esmtpsa id 1C7Ej2-0008II-SZ;
                Tue, 14 Sep 2004 15:56:09 +0100
        From: <joeuser(_at_)example(_dot_)com>

Now who can tell me if this really came from Joe or not?

How can we even tell whether it really came from example.com at all ?

Unless I overlook some big things, it would appear to me that SRS
could just be the perfect forgery mechanism ...

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