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spf entries for which hosts ???

2004-10-11 02:25:46
We are interested in SPF.
I'm the postmaster from our university.

We're working with a number of virtual domains
     uni-magdeburg.de      for functional addresses
     urz.uni-magdeburg.de  compute centre
     mathematik.uni-magdeburg.de mathematics
(in the DNS there are MX records that control smtp transfer
 to that domains to our mailrelay servers (exim MTA)

There are also a number of smtp servers that send/receive
emails to/from that mailrelay servers.

If there are following servers


that can send emails with the domain part urz.uni-magdeburg.de

Which spf entries I have to write for server1,server2,server3 ???

Mit freundlichen Gruessen  

 Otto - von - Guericke  Universitaet      __  __   ____ _____         _   __
               Magdeburg                 / / / /  / __ \__  /        / | / /
 ------------------------------------   / / / /  / /_/ / / / ______ /  |/ /
           Margrit Lottmann            / /_/ /  / _, _/ / /_______// /|  /
       Universitaetsrechenzentrum      \____/  /_/ |_| /____/     /_/ |_/
         Netze & Kommunikation