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Re: Vote of confidence/no-confidence in Meng as SPF representative

2004-10-26 15:20:14
On Tue, Oct 26, 2004 at 04:16:04PM -0500, wayne wrote:
| Meng has done a very good job on many things, but if it was up to
| Meng, we would have XML in DNS and SenderID without the mfrom scope as
| a standard right now.

For the record, the "XML in DNS" thing was originally
Microsoft's idea.  I thought it was laughable, but suggested
a modifier to allow a simple SPF text record to link to a
more complex XML document to be used as an escape hatch if
we ever ran out of syntax steam.  Fortunately since then
Microsoft gave up on wanting XML, so I dropped the modifier.

Most of my political energy in dealing with Microsoft over
the last two months was spent trying to force mfrom scope
back into Sender ID.  The AOL announcement withdrawing
support for Sender ID that led to MARID's dissolution was
basically a result of the fact that MS did not want to
contemplate mfrom scope at all in Sender ID.  I made a
special trip to Redmond to try to convince Harry Katz and
Jim Lyon to keep mfrom scope in Sender ID, and was
unsuccessful.  So I had to find alternative ways to try to
convince them.

So I'm not sure I agree with your assertions above.  Perhaps
I haven't been as forthcoming as possible, but there are a
couple of good reasons for that: first, if I were to give a
full report on every conversation I have, I wouldn't have
time to get any work done.  Second, do the people on this
list really expect me to lay out my strategy for getting
what we want, at the potential expense of our opponent,
on a public mailing list which our opponent is monitoring?