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Re: Vote of confidence/no-confidence in Meng as SPF representative

2004-10-27 19:36:07
On Tue, 2004-10-26 at 16:27 -0400, Hector Santos wrote:
----- Original Message -----
From: <rgreene(_at_)tclme(_dot_)org>

And 'Trust, but verify'.  Aside from WAG and conjecture, there has been no
conclusive evidence presented showing that Meng wants anything but a
solution to an existing problem.

And the riots is just a figment of our imagination!

Confusius:  "Go to sleep with itchy ass, wake up with smelly fingers!"

All jokes to the side,  SPF will always have a thorn on its side when it
can't even address
two things:

    1) HELO domain checking
    2) Relaxed provisions.

SPF attempts to "solve an existing problem" by opening up news ones!

From a technical review standpoint, it will become of the thing that marks
SPF for a long time.

The problem?  Once you get an industry to support a SPF1, it will be become
harder to change or correct it.

Seriously, those two items is all the specs need to make it atleast 500%
stronger. It is weak because of it.  I don't expect anything more to be as
successful to get off the ground like SPF1 did.   But its starting off the
gates hoping one 1 leg!

So when you ask me if vote on Meng, all I can say, it makes one scratch
their head, who on the world he made it so far!  I could only say that the
relaxed provisions probably helped on the marketing side

        "Hey, add your SPF record in softfail/neutral mode until you get
your act straight"

which is all fine and dandy, but he can't even compromise or listen to the
concerns or even envision the problems that this can create which already
has happen.

My compromised suggestion was to make it a LIMITED provision to FORCE people
to move quicky in securing their network.   When left open ended, it reduced
the incentive to correct their mail networking.

End result?

As the problem gets worst, smart people will "invent ideas" on their own

        "Added Time Limits to SPF clients"

Anyway, I admire anyone who champions a cause and gets it pushed.  But when
it reaches a certain level, maybe its better to pass on the job to someone
else who is more open minded and understands the issues alittle better.  But
to ignore these two for what, over 1 year now?   That's an itch butt to me.

Just my pennies talking.

You and I must use the same financial institution for my money speak the
same way.

The problem is complex, and the stakes are high, and there isn't much
time left on the clock.  The ticking clock is ticking fast only through
the abusive presence of greedy corporate entities anxiously salivating
over their perceived opportunity to rip off works of an incomplete
nature.  So much influence does their greed and ignorance have over them
that they are unable to see the defects for what they are.  This reminds
me of a certain scandal in the electronics industry
( http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,4149,933571,00.asp ).


James Couzens,
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