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Re: Re: purely dual-format approach

2004-10-31 07:42:18
On Sun, 2004-10-31 at 09:34 +0100, jpinkerton wrote:

I still think it would be a big mistake to mention pra by name in the spec.
If pra dies, we'll have an un-necessary paragraph or two in the spec. We
should make the modifier accept a list of 3-letter test identifiers and if
one is mentioned that doesn't exist - it gets ignored.  If the whole
modifier doesn't exist, the default is as per v=spf1 spec only.

Perhaps there are too many e-mails in this list and its affected my
ability to absorb information, but I wasn't aware anyone was speaking of
adjusting the V1 spec to include anything about PRA.  I certainly hope
such isn't the case, but the contents of this e-mail seem to indicate
that such is the case, and if that were so I'm with John and anyone else
in here with a clue, that it should not be mentioned.

All the suggestions so far seem to need existing v=spf1 record publishers to
*do* something.  I think this is totally wrong. The suggestion here means
the existing v=spf1 records are unaffected, they don't have to add a
modifier or second record to do anything about pra, unless they want to use

EXACTLY.  I'm stumped to deduce just how something so simple has become
such a complex issue for so many....

We now need Meng to persuade MS to write their software to comply with what
can be proposed as a "MS-friendly" solution.  They can promote publication
of v=spf1 with this modifier and the market will choose - we get the
additional promotion of v=spf1 and they get .... well whatever they get :-)

Suffice to say this is a shoddy position and we shouldn't be having to
convince anyone of anything, however given that we are I strenuously
concur.  The above stated is precisely what we want.

I need a "clue" filter for this list, so I can identify individuals who
actually know what they are talking about, and then I can probably cut
my volume down by at least 50%!!!!  



James Couzens,
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