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RE: refocusing on SRS

2004-11-08 01:29:59
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-spf-discuss(_at_)v2(_dot_)listbox(_dot_)com 
[mailto:owner-spf-discuss(_at_)v2(_dot_)listbox(_dot_)com] On Behalf Of Meng 
Weng Wong
Sent: maandag 8 november 2004 0:36
To: spf-discuss(_at_)v2(_dot_)listbox(_dot_)com
Subject: [spf-discuss] refocusing on SRS

So, while we work on the fun development side of things,
like SES, op=, and bashing PRA, we need to keep getting SPF
and SRS into MTAs, and we need to get those SPF/SRS-enabled
MTAs into standard Unix distributions. The goal remains: to
be able to tell forwarders, when they complain that SPF
breaks forwarding, to "just upgrade".

This is perhaps a good moment to remind folks of my SRS-socketmap (sendmail)
project, at:


SRS-socketmapd can sign about 8,000 addresses per second (AMD 64):

15 wallclock secs (12.09 usr +  0.62 sys = 12.71 CPU) @ 7867.24/s (n=100000)

That is fast enough for me. :)

It uses a very small memory-footprint (2.9 MB), and does not leak a single
bit of memory. SRS-socketmap comes with a 'drop-in' m4 configuration file
for easy installation.


- Mark 
        System Administrator Asarian-host.org
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