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NOT refocusing on SRS

2004-11-08 21:21:01
On Sun, 2004-11-07 at 17:39 -0500, Meng Weng Wong wrote:

Anyone who would like to help with obtaining funding is
welcome to volunteer.  Anyone who would like to actually get
the code written is also welcome to just do that.  Keep a
log of your time spent, so that when the funding does show
up we can compensate you retroactively.

My estimates show that we need between $75,000 and $180,000
to get SRS into opensource MTAs and start opening the door
to reputation systems.

It is because of your refusal to act that I am no longer developing SRS.
I think its absurd that anyone should fund further development of SRS
under the direction of someone who IGNORES the repeated requests of
their team.

libSRS was complete to spec back in February, and instead of dealing
with Shevek's use of libsrs2 naming convention, you chose to ignore me.
It was such a simple thing, and for whatever reason you chose to
alienate me from this project.

I encourge NO ONE to donate to SRS because its inherently a bad solution
anyways.  Because of the astonishing way in which I was treated, and
because of the rude and generally obnoxious way Shevek went about
treating those on the SRS discussion list who made suggestions I decided
to look elsewhere for a solution.  

Rather than waste time with SRS I suggest that you look at something
like SES: http://ses.codeshare.ca  We have almost finished the technical
specification and will be publishing an RFC draft in the near future.  I
finished the C reference library yesterday and after I finish a few bugs
I will make it available and will be looking for help writing perl,
python, and other wrappers in addition to adding support to other MTA's
although I will be writing patches for those MTA's regardless of help,
help will only make it go faster.

The continuing bickering about infighting, outfighting, and
so on may be entertaining, but ultimately it's just noise,
so I would advise people who don't get much time to read
every thread to ignore anything that doesn't relate to
forward progress with SRS and MTAs.

Meng you INFURIATE me!  This "infighting" and "outfighting" is all a
DIRECT result of YOUR REFUSAL to deal with situations.  I came to you
many many times WAY before I ever felt that there was no other course
than to make public knowledge my feelings.  Perhaps you should step down
from your high-horse before your playing around with a leadership role
causes some more damage.



James Couzens,
                                                     ( ( (      
      ((__))         __\|/__        __|-|__        '. ___ .'    
       (00)           (o o)          (0~0)        '  (> <) '    
http://libspf.org -- ANSI C Sender Policy Framework library
http://libsrs.org -- ANSI C Sender Rewriting Scheme library
PGP: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x7A7C7DCF

Sender Policy Framework: http://spf.pobox.com/
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