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Re: NOT refocusing on SRS

2004-11-09 07:43:45
On Tue, 2004-11-09 at 15:35 +0100, Koen Martens wrote:

Looks like to me you can not have your name on it exclusivelly, and thus
now have to boycot this technology. It is all way too personal to you,
you cannot think clearly because your ego keeps you from choosing 'the
right thing'. Your judgment is constantly clouded by 'hey but where is
this going to leave me'. SPF is not about you James. 

What did you to as a reaction to libsrs2, you started a big fight with
shevek, creating animosity, and all basically because you didn't want to
have your name stripped from SRS.

Man you are looking to get yourself "moderated" for bringing up the

I'm not going to argue on a public forum about this Koen, and what you
are attempting to do is only going to soil things worse.  You can
believe whatever you want, I've already made abundantly clear the
reasons I believed and still believe to be legitimate for the falling
out that took place.

You are doing everyone here a disservice by these posts.  Just because
you are disgruntled doesn't mean you need to make everyone else here
suffer through it.  Please if you insist on starting arguments with me,
do it off list and I'll happily engage you.



James Couzens,
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http://libspf.org -- ANSI C Sender Policy Framework library
http://libsrs.org -- ANSI C Sender Rewriting Scheme library
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