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Re: Pledge of agreement with SPF Community Position

2004-11-09 06:34:30
On Tue, 2004-11-09 at 02:55 -0800, James wrote:

If you have not already, please read the following document:


Wayne kindly pointed out that the v101 document was actually the v100
document incorrectly linked.  I have fixed this and updated v101 to
include two links (one at the top, one at the bottom) to the SPF
positions Pledge.

The now correctly linked v101 document is not substantially different
however the wording is considered to be better and is the most current
and what you should be linking from your websites.

I encourage everyone who has a website where its relevant to post a link
to this document and if possible a relevant blurb as to its value.  Lets
make sure everyone who needs to, sees this and has an educated view of
both sides.



James Couzens,
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