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Re: domain name labels are limited to 63 characters

2004-11-28 18:11:55
In <BAY22-DAV1493E1BDA3FA61E89F511BFCBB0(_at_)phx(_dot_)gbl> "Raymond Neeves" 
<raymond_neeves(_at_)hotmail(_dot_)com> writes:

253 (visible) characters actually, 255 is the max for the data in the
query, you can't put a fqdn thats contains 255 visible characters into
a dns query, it's too big (by 2 bytes)

Thanks, I've updated my libspf2 doc (draft-schlitt-spf) to with this

i don't like the idea of chopping bits off until it fits, and i
actually can't belive that it's ended up in the spec.  if it doesn't
fit, it doesn't fit and it should be changed (at the senders SPF
record) so that it does.

Actually, I agree.  Like the chopping off parts of labels idea, I
don't particularly like the chopping off part of the spec either.

This is still in the libspf2 doc because various forms of this
"chopping off long domain names" has been in the SPF spec for at least
a year now.  I'm trying to preserve the essence of SPF-classic.

Can anyone give an example of when this chopping is really useful
and/or used in the wild?  If no one uses it, then I could easily be
convinced to chop that part of the spec out.
