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Re: Proposal For The Council - Make SPF-Help Archive Public

2004-12-17 07:17:56
Scott Kitterman wrote:

It is not unusual for us to get repeat questions on spf-help.
While subscribers can look at the spf-help archive, it isn't
searchable on listbox.

It is on GMaNe, use gmane.mail.spam.spf.help as "group" in the
form <http://search.gmane.org>  

<http://dir.gmane.org/gmane.mail.spam.spf.help> is the GMaNe
page with all relevant links for SPF-HELP.  For all lists see

Now, I realize that would mean that e-mail addresses would,
in theory, be exposed to spammers.

Not on GMaNe, and the new Groups.Google beta now also hides all
addresses.  AFAIK GoogleBot indexes GMaNe, it also visits the
pipermail archive of SpamCop, but it can take some weeks until
the stuff is available on Google.
                                  Bye, Frank