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RE: Handling of -all

2005-02-24 16:16:02
At 11:56 PM 2/24/2005 +0100, Julian Mehnle wrote:

Guy [pobox(_at_)watkins-home(_dot_)com] wrote:
> I think the point was that many people will be just confused by
> "example.com is not authorized to use address []"

A proper SPF fail error message would read:

  forger.biz [] is not allowed to send mail with the domain
  "forged.org" in the sender address.  Contact 

which is even harder for Grandma to understand than the first message. I think Guy has raised a valid concern, but I still agree with you that the solution isn't to ignore the clearly stated meaning of "-all".

I see ignorant but innocent people, like Grandma, having a problem, but no more than what is starting to happen already with spam filters rejecting good messages. For the first time in years I feel like I need to call and confirm receipt of messages.

In this scenario, the lazy domain, 'example.com', will start losing customers to aol.com. Grandma may not understand the reject message, or even think to report it to her ISP, but her relatives will surely urge her to find another ISP.

-- Dave

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* David MacQuigg, PhD              * email:  dmq(_at_)gain(_dot_)com      *  *
* IC Design Engineer               * phone:  USA 520-721-4583  *  *  *
* Analog Design Methodologies                                  *  *  *
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