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Re: Email Forwarder's Protocol ( EFP )

2005-02-26 11:02:39
At 12:08 AM 2/26/2005 -0500, Stuart D. Gathman wrote:

On Fri, 25 Feb 2005, David MacQuigg wrote:

> It doesn't have to be the same host.  If I get a spam forwarded from
> pobox.com, and I bounce it to postmaster(_at_)pobox(_dot_)com, it gets to the right place.

Congratulations, you just invented SRS.

Stuart, if you hadn't been so helpful in my exercise with SpamCop, I might take this as dismissive sarcasm. :>)

Seriously, though, if the IETF came to you and said, were finalizing a standard for email authentication in 30 days. We're going to pick just one proposal of the many that are before us. What is your nomination?

Would you seriously propose SRS as that standard? Is there any other proposal out there right now that you would nominate as the final standard, understanding that if there is significant opposition, the vote will for some other proposal?

My nomination would include only three header items: The IP address, the authenticated domain name, and the authentication result. Standardize that, and you can debate the rest forever. The IP address is already nailed down in RFC 2821. That leaves the only two items that anyone could object to. Note: We don't need to debate the protocol for determining which domain name to use. That can be protocol-specific. Details of formats are too trivial for a debate. About the only thing I see that is debatable is the authentication result. ( How many different levels of SoftFail, etc.). As a last resort, if no agreement can be reached by day 29, then each protocol can use its own words, like SPF1(SoftFail).

-- Dave

*************************************************************     *
* David MacQuigg, PhD              * email:  dmq'at'gci-net.com   *  *
* IC Design Engineer               * phone:  USA 520-721-4583  *  *  *
* Analog Design Methodologies                                  *  *  *
*                                  * 9320 East Mikelyn Lane     * * *
* VRS Consulting, P.C.             * Tucson, Arizona 85710        *
*************************************************************     *

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