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Re: Council Election Period

2005-04-28 06:47:19
Julian Mehnle wrote:

I don't get where Frank is going here, either.

See 23:04 - 23:08 in your log, the "DNS load issue" was the
point of Radu's mask idea among others.  SPF optimizer etc.

Maybe some or even most of these discussions led nowhere or
went in circles about include:not.me   But it was also about
real issues like the wizard.

 [In another message]
I wonder from where you take the election period being 6
months.  Seriously, I wonder.

One Council member apparently resigned without bothering to
tell anybody.  Another announced six months.  The remaining
three members don't have a quorum.

I've no problem with NOT RECOMMENDED vs. SHALL NOT, and I've
also no problem with your one year term, just visit the page
<http://purl.net/xyzzy/home/test/spf-council.htm>, look up
your name, note the number, scroll down until you find me,
and compare the numbers.
                            Bye, Frank