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Re: Re: overall HELO FAIL

2005-05-27 17:11:30
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Frank Ellermann wrote:
Julian Mehnle wrote:
It seems we lost track of the many council review requests,
which indeed have reached a somewhat inflationary use.
IIRC 4 from you, 3 from Scott, 2 from me, 1 from Mark.

Alright.  I can only remember 3 review requests of mine.

As for the SPF(non-existent-domain) == PermError thing, I already sort of 
admitted that bringing it up was a mistake, but I'll happily admit it 

The domain label 63 characters limit warning for section no one 
really seemed to understand, so I forced the issue.

The s/prefix/$SEMANTICALLY_DESCRIPTIVE_NAME/ thing was obviously quite 
controversial, so it appeared there was no way we would be deciding it by 

What was the 4th one?

The RfC 2828 issue was no formal review request, I mentioned
it anyway in the new thread "pointers for the Council / Wayne"

New thread as wanted by you.  And sure like hell the Council
discussed "authorize" vs. "authenticate" without RfC 2828 :-(

It is still not clear to me what larger context you are alluding to.

*I* do know what the difference between "authentication" and "authoriza- 
tion" is.  Apparently, some of us think that the concept of "authentica- 
tion" should be strictly kept out of the SPF specification, and although I 
can understand their reasoning, I don't agree with it.  However, talking 
about references to RFC 2828 is of little use as long as we haven't agreed 
that the concept of "authentication" should be a part of the spec in the 
first place.  So, as I said, I'm not sure what you are complaining about 

If at all possible, we really should  decide things by
argument, not by voting.

Yes, please make this possible.  Pure fun like a "sign" vote not

The s/prefix/.../ issue may be of minor importance, but it certainly wasn't 
brought up for fun. :-)
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