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Re: Collecting domain names for the official SPF website.

2005-06-08 06:52:30

Koen Martens wrote:
Terry Fielder wrote:

I think we need to start collecting and discussing the possible domain
names for the official SPF website.  A while back, Julian collected
this list of SPF websites:


Please don't use this one, it has a reputation for sender id that needs
to be gotten rid of, and a reputation of not getting updated when it
should.  Further, the fact the pobox does not use spf is shameful, and
hence not a good flagship.

Of course we can't just ditch it: http://spf.pobox.com/why.html (or
whatever it is called) is in every implementation out there is the
standard exp string. Practically every spf reject in the world uses that

Um, yes, spf.pobox.com could be set as a CNAME for say www.thefinalsite.org

But even without that co-operation from pobox:

the pobox why.html could be a skeleton page that redirects (and offers a link for browsers that don't redirect) to the new why.html

Then as the implementations are updated, this would get phased out.

A redirect reduces the probability that it will end up in peoples bookmarks.



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Terry Fielder
Associate Director Software Development and Deployment
Great Gulf Homes / Ashton Woods Homes
Fax: (416) 441-9085