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RE: [spf-discuss] The problems with SPF

2005-08-26 14:45:56
-----Original Message-----
From: Julian Mehnle [mailto:julian(_at_)mehnle(_dot_)net]
Sent: Friday, August 26, 2005 10:03
To: spf-discuss(_at_)v2(_dot_)listbox(_dot_)com
Subject: Re: [spf-discuss] The problems with SPF

I predict that forwarding without sender rewriting will die and SPF (or
an equivalent technology) will succeed, because, overall, authenticity of 
sender addresses simply is much more important to users than forwarding 
without sender rewriting, which can (from users' perspective) be easily 
substituted by forwarding _with_ sender rewriting.

A breath of fresh air from someone who is thinking outside of the norm of 
always wanting to live in the past!

It is truly revitalizing to hear a voice of reason in a dialogue that has 
otherwise been about how difficult it is to make a change to the manner in 
which the sender's e-mail address is handled in forwarded messages.  Forwarders 
have always been "broken" and it's about time that people realize it is no 
longer appropriate to continue to handle forwarded messages in the same manner 
simply because "that's the way it's always been done."

Without an active measure of forward thinking, problems like these will never 
be resolved . . .

Thank you, Julian!

Bruce Barnes
ChicagoNetTech Inc

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