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[spf-discuss] Re: Is best guess moronic?

2005-11-19 10:07:39
Hector Santos wrote:

If you have any objections against the Received-SPF header
field I've never seen them.
Because I didn't see a problem, until now.

Fine, join the club, others didn't like Received-SPF and the
similar Authentication-Results months ago, 

I have no CLUE who they are and I don't care.

Take your pills.  James is the guy who donated the openspf.org
domain with <http://old.openspf.org/cgi-bin/openspf_pledge.cgi>
Derek is the admin of RFCI and a co-author of SIQ

99% of your messages are encrypted

Take your pills.
But look at how FUBAR the x821/x822 specs are and the mess it
created!  Those specs were broken the day it was invented and
we ALL know it!

821 was fine, and SPF is a fix for the main issue in 2821.

Shall I continue?

You shall take your pills and stay away from my inbox.

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