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Re: [spf-discuss] Re: SPF adoption statistics

2005-11-23 06:27:05

----- Original Message -----
From: "Graham Murray" <graham(_at_)gmurray(_dot_)org(_dot_)uk>

"Hector Santos" <spf-discuss(_at_)winserver(_dot_)com> writes:

So for the server to assumed a valid A record, it is
presuming the client has a proper PTR record setup and
that may not be the case.

No, that is not the case. If the server sends 'EHLO mail.example.com'
then this means that there must be a DNS A record

mail.example.com. IN A  a.b.c.d

It says nothing about the existence of a PTR record for
'd.c.b.a.in-addr.arpa' nor of the content of that PTR record if it
does exist.

Good morning Mr. Graham (of coke) Murray,

Have you written SMTP server or in this case SMTP client software?

In lieu of hard coding the client domain name, I would love to know how you
can get the client domain name to be used for the EHLO/HELO command when all
you have is the socket connection IP address.

When you figure it out, get back to us but before you do, patent it. OK?

Read the message again to see how it is done.

See ya

Hector Santos, Santronics Software, Inc.

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