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Re: [spf-discuss] Re: SPF adoption statistics

2005-11-23 11:51:52

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mark" <admin(_at_)asarian-host(_dot_)net>

Hector, "If the server sends 'EHLO mail.example.com' then this means that
there must be a DNS A record" is as true a statement as you will ever come

Servers don't send EHLO/HELO, clients do.

Outlook used the socket call gethostbyaddr() which will return the
computer name "hdev1" for my home office machine.

I am not, in the least, interested in the brokenness of your Windoze
client software.

So what are you doing in an world-wide open discussion forum that is
constributed to the email system?   This isn't about your SMALL unix wienie
world only or what you call about.  And it has nothing to do with WINDOZE
because WINDOZE didn't have SMTP software when this PROBLEM was prevailing.

And to answer your question, yes, I have written SMTP server and client

Oh I find that hard to believe.  You have not because you wouldn't be so
close minded and would understand the long 20+ years real WORLD interface
issues and understand why there is a REAL reason why its not reliable and if
you keep BLAMING on WINDOWS, then you are a FOOL.

Please, do me favor, shut up.  We don't need people like you around here who
do have a clue what they hell he is talking about and whose only reason for
leaving is to BLAME WINDOZE!  What a fool.  GROW UP!

If you want to write to me, keep the BULLSHIT out, ok?

Hector Santos, Santronics Software, Inc.

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