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[spf-discuss] Re: "In other words, it's fairly easy to get SPF wrong. "

2005-12-29 22:49:02
Julian Mehnle wrote:

it seems the environment is not yet friendly enough for our
content producers to do some work on their own. :-(

After testing en.wikipedia.org I think that your "thingy" is
simpler, above all it has a decent "get source text" feature
working even with my rustical tools.

I will try and look into improving the conditions so that
work on the new website can be resumed soon.

Maybe simplify the registration as (editing) user, that's the
one thing I liked better with en.wikipedia.org (until I found
that they don't share registrations with their own meta site).

BTW, when I wrote what now ended up as the subject I did *NOT*
say that getting SPF right is difficult:

1 - the new PermError rules are _much_ better than in the old
    pre-MARID and the last Lentczner spec.  Admittedly I liked
    Wayne's -00 better than the final spec. wrt PermError, and
    you'll have lots of fun to document this conflict (between
    Scott and me among others) in the missing minutes...

2 - ...OTOH with Scott's validator it's now very easy to check
    policies even before publication...

3 - ...last but not least why.html debug=1 does now work again
    for "any browser" (after 18 months of my complaints), and I
    guess that you use the latest bug fixed SPF perl reference
    implementation behind the why.html surface, or don't you ?

Lots of things happened after the Sender-ID appeal, and moving
slowly is okay - we're still faster than DKIM / CVS / ASRG, but
fortunately not more faster than the speed of light as in early
2004, when Meng summarized his proposed move from SPF to PRA as
"CYA":  I hated the "pardon our dust" style SPF-hype in 2004.

Okay, less than one SPF Council meeting per month is a bit too
slow for my tastes, and the last article in spf-announce with
date 2005-06-25 is rather old, maybe we could delete that list.

                          Bye, Frank

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