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Re: [spf-discuss] "In other words, it's fairly easy to get SPF wrong. "

2005-12-31 05:41:07
Gary Faith schreef:

I did not find a spec file in the file that I downloaded:
libspf2-1.2.5.tar.gz.  Do you have code that I don't?

Since you are running a RPM based distro (SuSE) I *assumed* that you
downloaded the Red Hat source RPMs and went on from there. If this is
not the case, my apologies, but this route is so obvious, that it never
crossed my mind that you might have downloaded the .tar.gz file and
tried to build libspf2 from those.

Why it is a very bad idea to just run

        make check
        make install

on RPM based distributions (Red Hat, SuSE, to name a few) as mentioned
in the INSTALL file, is beyond the topic of this mailinglist. In short,

Installing the Red Hat source RPM (libspf2-1.2.5-2.src.rpm, link can be
found on the download page) and then running

        rpmbuild -ba --without checks --target=i586 libspf2.spec

will probably create the neccessary RPM's for SuSE (it did for me). You
may need to resolve a few dependencies first in order to build this, but
YaST will help you on your way there.


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