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[spf-discuss] Re: Nominations for the Election Officer

2006-01-05 21:00:05
Julian Mehnle wrote:

Operating CIVS is trivial

Good.  Give him or her the list of subscribers, and it's okay.

It's not trivial as voter:  I wasn't sure what effect it might
have if I pick "1 - no opinion - 2" instead of "1 - 2 - 3", and
I was a bit surprised to get no confirmation.  In the "official
domain" poll that was no issue, because I could "see" that my
vote made it into the result.

extremely easy to operate

Personally I'd like "Usenet CfVs" better for simple cases, it
is mail and transparent and straight forward.  Of course not
secret, you can't have your cake and eat it too.

Anyway, all 28 participants opted for CIVS, and you say it's
extremely easy, so there's no potential problem for the RO.
The remotely tricky parts are to determine the constituency
and to ask the right questions, but that's always the case.

                           Bye, Frank

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