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Re: [spf-discuss] Nominations

2006-01-05 14:34:39
Mark writes:
I nominate:
Dick St. Peters

Thanks, but I decline.

I s'pose I should explain why: incipient geezerhood.  (I've been
writing code since early 1964 - almost 42 years.)  While I'm hardly
ready to hang up my keyboard and call it quits, I am looking to ease
off a bit.  I've become very selective about making commitments,
including avoiding anything administrative or political.

Besides, I can't stand IRC - or any other kind of chat or instant
messaging.  I need time to ponder things so I don't blurt out stuff I
didn't mean.  (Not that such pondering is always successful ...)

Dick St.Peters, stpeters(_at_)NetHeaven(_dot_)com 

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