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[spf-discuss] The Appeal is out. So whats next for SPF?

2006-02-10 11:07:33
I've written this quite a few times over the past year and each time I
got into too many issues, that in the end, I decided not to click the
send button.  So I don't wish to get too deep into writing this message.
I will keep it short, focused and to the point.  Hopefully, when I am
done, I will click the send button. :-)

The appeal is out and reading in more detail, I have to give kudos again
to Julian and yes, my buddy Frank, in helping Julian put it together.

I hope we just don't sit around waiting for a decision.  Regardless of
the outcome, SPF must be prepared to evolve and move on.

If there is one thing that is constantly on mind about SPF is a lack of
a foundation for creating "Extended SPF" proposals.

Look it at this way using SMTP.

SMTP was first documented in 1982 via RFC 821.

By 1986, proprietary commercial mail systems, including online systems
like BBS hosting software such as our system, began the big migration to
providing SMTP/POP3 services.

It was quite obvious that RFC 821 was not enough and there were many
systems creating non-standard extensions.

By 1993, RFC 1425 (SMTP Service Extensions) was written to help SMTP
vendors offer, share and proposed new standard extensions.

By 1994, RFC 1425 was cleaned up and deprecated with the official RFC
1651 SMTP service extensions document.

Since then, SMTP really grow where it is today because of the SMTP
extensions document.

We need to do the same thing for SPF by creating an ESPF (Extended SPF)
Proposal mechanism.

I propose to the SPF to begin creating a foundation that allows
developers and administrators to create ESPF draft I-D proposals with a
SPF council process for similar working groups and SPF RFC document
creations.   The best ones, ones that become highly popular can then be
submitted to the IETF, if that's make sense.

Overall, this will allow people to seriously begin offing extensions to
SPF in official and focused manners and not get lost and side-track in
mailing list "How about this idea?" discussions where the few nay-sayers
might just enough to turn off the proposal writers.

I have ideas how to start this, but this is where I will stop now
because I want to press that send button now and not get too deep.

I think the above is sufficient enough to get the basic idea across to
the SPF council members.


Hector Santos, Santronics Software, Inc.

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