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[spf-discuss] Re: Error in RFC4408: URL encoding

2006-10-05 17:12:48
Julian Mehnle wrote:

I don't really see the point in using upper-case macros in DNS labels,

Right, it's a bad idea.  For 4408bis we should consider to deprecate
this exp= "feature" together with anything only needed for exp=.

the backslash is merely an escape character for Perl's regexp syntax.

LOL, okay, that's clear, your version is it.  On the devel list Stuart
found another issue, the macro letter v didn't make it into the SPF
classic drafts and the RFC (the older SPF drafts had no proper ABNF
wrt macro letters).

One way (before you try something more complex like adding a tracker
to your Wiki) to record known errata could be a dummy draft-spf-errata
under svn - we better roll our own errata (instead of waiting for the
rfc-editor), RFC 2616 (http) also has its own "outsourced" errata.


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