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[spf-discuss] Re: Compiling a list of errata for RFC 4408

2006-10-07 09:24:09
Julian Mehnle wrote:
I don't want the page to be writable by everyone.

Sigh...  "everyone" stands for folks interested in finding
and discussing errata, so far Alex, Scott, Stuart, Wayne, 
William, you, me, and if I forgot one or two it's still 
less than ten.

we do need an intelligent filter _before_ the council 
gets to decide on stuff.

These less than ten folks aren't known as "vandals", but
IIRC only Scott was never absent for longer periods.

The RFC (and errata) authoring process is not something
I would like to open up to the world

There must be something between "one" and "world".  It's
a Wiki or svn, it's possible to fix dubious ideas in the
working copy.
would you be willing to act as a master editor for the
RFC 4408 errata?

I'm interested to start a collection of errata.  But I'm
not interested in a situation where "everybody" is forced
to wait if an obscure "master editor" is busy elsewhere.

We're talking about simple tasks like adding...

   </section><section title="Known typos">
   In chapter x on page y "Danish" should be "Danisch".

...if the source is an xml2rfc file.  Or something in
that direction with Wiki markup.  Or XHTML, who cares if
it's eventually valid and visible with any browser, even
plain text ASCII is an option.


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