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Re: [spf-discuss] Re: Fixing Forwarding with RPF

2006-11-14 04:00:35
On Monday 13 November 2006 19:58, Stuart D. Gathman wrote:
On Mon, 13 Nov 2006, K.J. Petrie (Instabook) wrote:
If I forward messages I receive (ie from me to someone else in my E-mail
client) any bounces will come to me.

Forwarding done by email clients is completely unrelated to the "forwarding
problem" touted by SPF critics.  There is absolutely no problem with
using client forwarding and SPF.

If my incoming messages reach me by
forwarding, they won't bounce, because they've reached me. Why would you
get bounces?

Because my email address was forged by the sender, and you didn't bother
to check my SPF record.

But the purpose of checking it is to enable me to reject it if I want to. SPF 
doesn't dictate the policy for a result. If I choose to accept it, that's my 
business and it won't affect you, because it won't bounce if I accept it. If 
I'm going to accept it anyway, what difference does it make whether I check 
the record? And I dispute that the address is forged when I have merely 
arranged to have it forwarded to myself. If I move house and ask the Post 
Office to send the mail on, you wouldn't say they were falsifying the origin 
of my mail, why is this any different? If you sent it, and I know the route 
by which it reached me, why is it forgery to say it came from you, which it 
originally did? If you didn't send it, and the return address really is 
forged, it only has a chance of bouncing to you if my ISP (foolishly) decides 
to bounce SPF fails, in other words if SPF IS checked.

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