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Re: followup: Re: [spf-discuss] libspf2 sample programs

2007-01-04 12:22:43
On Thursday 04 January 2007 14:16, Don Lee wrote:

HELO checking - it seems to me - is a straightforward, reliable, and
effective way to "tighten the noose" on the spammers.  If every domain
published SPF, and every HELO were checked vs. SPF, then the HELO names
could be considered reliable, and you could trust your e-mail headers,
which in turn would provide a minimal audit trail for e-mail.

Yes.  Absolutely.  HELO checking has none of the false positive risks that may 
be a problem for Mail From checking (personally, I've found the forwarding 
issue to be a noise level concern - YMMV).

Scott K

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