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Re: [spf-discuss] Re: forwarded mail being bounced (by spf check)

2007-01-27 18:19:15

On Sat, 27 Jan 2007, Graham Murray wrote:

"Seth Goodman" <sethg(_at_)goodmanassociates(_dot_)com> writes:

Correct, I do understand what SPF fail means.  Breaking alias forwarding
is a direct result of validating the return path by sending IP, but this
design was _never_ intended to be a statement that alias forwarding is
broken and that it must go away.  You might as well say that SMTP is
broken and must go away.  It doesn't matter if you can make a good
technical argument, it will never happen.

It just might happen. At one time[1] if someone wanted to publish a
document on the internet they used Gopher and you searched for what
you wanted using Veronica. Now everyone uses http and search engines,
while Gopher and Veronica have been relegated to just being of
historical interest.

Yes, when I first started with "internet" gopher is what we had.
However number of users on the "internet" was at the time very
small and it was still primarily network of some univerisity
and large organizations (and military) unix server machines.
At the time gopher was also primarily used between univerisities
and had very little commercial or personal nature. However internet
and its use has grown quite a bit (on the order of 10,000) and universities now are small fraction of its users but even then
some edus are still using gopher with web frontend for libraries.

In a similar way, at one time Wordstar and
Wordperfect were (in turn) almost ubiquitous, but were relegated to
niche status, almost overnight, by Microsoft Word. So there is a
chance that Simple Mail Transfer Protocol might be superseded by a new
'not simple' Mail Transfer Protocol which does not suffer the
'problems' of SMTP.

I have been in favor of replacing SMTP with something better from 2002.
However it would not be easy task to convince all the users and more
importantly the email industry seems a lot more commercialized then
I thought about it first and convincing all those companies that they
need to support something new and replace their entire code base and
libraries is going to take quite some time. Then actual adaption, etc
- you're looking at 10-20 years if momentum existed and work started now.

William Leibzon
Elan Networks

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