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[spf-discuss] Re: forwarded mail being bounced (by spf check)

2007-01-28 12:01:36
Julian Mehnle quoted:

Declaring the millions of existing forwarding arrangements broken and
wishing that the whole world will wake up and realize that 821 is flawed
is not a productive approach.

JFTR, RFC 821 demanded to update the reverse path, not limited to relays
where the forward path was replaced by an alias.  RFC 821 had a simple
model of "you sent it, you fix it if I can't deliver it", and RFC 821
also had a clear model of "I dare not accept it, user not local" (551).

And of course alias-forwarders took the full responsibility for either
delivering the mail or relaying later error reports to the originator
if it didn't work out.


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