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Re: [spf-discuss]Domain reputation system design

2007-01-30 14:38:46
On Mon, 29 Jan 2007, Julian Mehnle wrote:
   qualifier | scope   | auth-method     | auth-result
   SPF       | (mfrom) | SPF             | (Pass)
   GUESS     | (mfrom) | SPF-guess       | (Pass)
   HELO      | helo    | (SPF/SPF-guess) | (Pass)
   neutral   | (mfrom) | (SPF)           | Neutral
   softfail  | (mfrom) | (SPF)           | SoftFail
   IP        | ip-addr | (valid rDNS)    | (match)

Not exactly the most obvious naming scheme. :-)

There is no limit to the number of small bins we could sort these scores 
into.  On my system, I could specify the authentication methods and 
The smaller the bin, the less effective the reputation system.  The
above list was fine tuned over 6 months to make the bins as big as 
possible, while avoiding "unfair" comparisons (like aol.com:SPF 
to aol.com:neutral) to minimize false rejections.

I specifically do *not* want to see all combinations of possible
authentication scopes, methods, and results.  I am looking
for a validated ID.  I'll take several kinds, but I need one to track
your reputation.

It would be reasonable to choose a qualifier naming scheme for the chosen
IDs that I accept that reflects your concern, if you think it would 
make the system more attractive.  Something like this?

Old nam                                          New name
SPF       | (mfrom) | SPF             | (Pass)  | MF/SP/PAS
GUESS     | (mfrom) | SPF-guess       | (Pass)  | MF/GU/PAS
HELO      | helo    | (SPF/SPF-guess) | (Pass)  | HE/SP+GU/PAS
neutral   | (mfrom) | (SPF)           | Neutral | MF/SP/NEU
softfail  | (mfrom) | (SPF)           | SoftFail| MF/SP/SOF
IP        | ip-addr | (valid rDNS)    | (match) | IP/RD/VAL

Rather cumbersome.  I think the table belongs in the documentation,
not encoded in the qualifier.  (Thanks for the table.)

              Stuart D. Gathman <stuart(_at_)bmsi(_dot_)com>
    Business Management Systems Inc.  Phone: 703 591-0911 Fax: 703 591-6154
"Confutatis maledictis, flammis acribus addictis" - background song for
a Microsoft sponsored "Where do you want to go from here?" commercial.

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