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[spf-discuss] Re: Domain reputation system design

2007-01-30 16:04:13
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Stuart D. Gathman wrote:
On Mon, 29 Jan 2007, Julian Mehnle wrote:

   qualifier | scope   | auth-method     | auth-result
   SPF       | (mfrom) | SPF             | (Pass)
   GUESS     | (mfrom) | SPF-guess       | (Pass)
   HELO      | helo    | (SPF/SPF-guess) | (Pass)
   neutral   | (mfrom) | (SPF)           | Neutral
   softfail  | (mfrom) | (SPF)           | SoftFail
   IP        | ip-addr | (valid rDNS)    | (match)

Not exactly the most obvious naming scheme. :-)

There is no limit to the number of small bins we could sort these
scores into.  On my system, I could specify the authentication
methods and results,

The smaller the bin, the less effective the reputation system.

No.  You certainly can aggregate your reputation atoms into "molecules" 
with a coarser granularity on the fly.

The above list was fine tuned over 6 months to make the bins as big as
possible, while avoiding "unfair" comparisons (like aol.com:SPF
to aol.com:neutral) to minimize false rejections.

I specifically do *not* want to see all combinations of possible
authentication scopes, methods, and results.

Note that I wasn't criticizing your choice of granularity but merely the 
inconsistency of your naming scheme.

It would be reasonable to choose a qualifier naming scheme for the
chosen IDs that I accept that reflects your concern, if you think it
would make the system more attractive.  Something like this?

Old name                                           New name
SPF       | (mfrom) | SPF             | (Pass)   | MF/SP/PAS
GUESS     | (mfrom) | SPF-guess       | (Pass)   | MF/GU/PAS
HELO      | helo    | (SPF/SPF-guess) | (Pass)   | HE/SP+GU/PAS
neutral   | (mfrom) | (SPF)           | Neutral  | MF/SP/NEU
softfail  | (mfrom) | (SPF)           | SoftFail | MF/SP/SOF
IP        | ip-addr | (valid rDNS)    | (match)  | IP/RD/VAL

Yeah, something like that.

Rather cumbersome.

Only until you try to understand the naming scheme without having invented 
it yourself. ;-)

I think the table belongs in the documentation, not encoded in the

Well, perhaps.  But in any case, the names shouldn't offer any potential 
for confusion with separate concepts, such as "SPF", "HELO", or "neutral".

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