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[spf-discuss] Re: (SOLVED) SPF blocking e-mails coming from an E-card service server

2007-05-01 13:39:16
dan1 wrote:

When I wrote 'SOLVED', it was regarding the first e-mail I sent to
this list to ask how we should do things right so that ecards service
could be compatible with SPF.

Yes, that's clear.  I didn't follow all details of the philosophical
debate after that.  Of course it would be ideal to prevent any abuse,
and Alex' proposal with a confirmed login and passwords etc. would
do this .  But you're confronted with users who hate such "complex"
login / password procedures, and therefore you decided that it does
not work for you.

When I forward an article from heise.de (a German version of "/.")
it also doesn't ask me for my password, it uses some heuristics to 
limit abuse like you do.  Or at least I think that that's what they
do, in fact I have an account and a cookie for their site, so maybe
they use the cookie.  But I think they don't.


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