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Re: [spf-discuss] Email messages that are extremely un helpful...

2008-07-31 09:43:12
On Thursday 31 July 2008 12:01, Boyd Lynn Gerber wrote:

Today I received and email telling me I need SPF records.  But with no
information.  I sent an email back requesting headers but nothing came
back.  This is worse than having no SPF.  It really is spamming me.  Below
is the email.  I have SPF records that expect failures.  What are they
talking about.  One area, that I think SPF missed was CNAME.  I have tons
of host/domain pairs with CNAME.  I really dislike having to change every
CNAME into an A record.

SPF works fine with CNAMES.  If their implementation can't follow the CNAME, 
then it's broken (I coded part of the CNAME support in pyspf and I know other 
libraries support it too).

Scott K

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