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[spf-discuss] Re: Email messages that are extremely un helpful...

2008-07-31 12:10:16
Boyd Lynn Gerber wrote:

It really is spamming me.

Maybe report the UBE as spam, especially if it
violates RFC 3834.

One area, that I think SPF missed was CNAME.

Why do you think that ?  AFAIK SPF doesn't say
"don't follow CNAME", that is a rule in 2821bis
about MX.

| On the 1st of January 2009, our mail server
| will be rejecting any mail from domains that
| do not have a SPF record.

IMO they'd better publish their future receiver
policy on a web page, and use its URL in their
future 5xx reject status codes.

Just "having" an SPF record could be a useless
"v=spf1 ?all" always NEUTRAL policy, this is by
definition the same as NONE (no policy).  

| Until your SPF record are updated, you will
| be receiving this message each day, until
| the 1st of January 2009, for each daily
| message you send to our clients.

Sigh, the one thing that is always worse than
spam are wannabe-anti-spammers.  You say you
have a policy, so is that s/wannabe/clueless/ ?


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