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RE: [spf-discuss] Email messages that are extremely un helpful...

2008-07-31 12:38:54
Boyd Lynn Gerber wrote:

On Thu, 31 Jul 2008, Scott Kitterman wrote:

SPF works fine with CNAMES.  If their implementation can't follow
the CNAME, then it's broken (I coded part of the CNAME support in
pyspf and I know other libraries support it too).

I know pyspf supports it.  I just do not understand where this came
from. The only thing I could find was that maybe a CNAME was being
used. But a dig did give me the apporiate TXT record which should
have allowed them to get an SPF fail.

It depends on exactly where're you're using the CNAMEs. Say your main domain is 
bar.tld and it looks like:

@ORIGIN bar.tld
        MX 10   mail.bar.tld
mail    A
mail    MX 10   mail.bar.tld
alias   CNAME   mail.bar.tld

If you have the domain foo.tld and it has

@ORIGIN foo.tld
        CNAME   bar.tld

then you're good.

If you have both a CNAME for foo.tld *and* an MX record:

@ORIGIN foo.tld
        CNAME   bar.tld
        MX 10   mail.bar.tld

then your zone isn't RFC-compliant; you can't have CNAME co-exist with A, MX, 
or other types of RRs at the same domain level.

If you have this for foo.tld:

@ORIGIN foo.tld
        MX 10   alias.bar.tld

then your zone isn't RFC-compliant; you must point an MX record to an A record, 
not a CNAME record.

None of these issues are SPF-specific, however, so it doesn't change the fact 
that whatever notification messages you're getting are very messed up.

Devin L. Ganger, Exchange MVP      Email: deving(_at_)3sharp(_dot_)com
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