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Re[13]: [spf-discuss] Trying to understand the best recommendation for my client, help appreciated.

2009-05-13 20:13:58
no other SPF checks are considered trusted if HELO/EHLO doesn't pass

RFC  4408  doesn't  state  that  "no  other  SPF checks are considered
trusted  if  HELO/EHLO  doesn't  pass."  Your  assertion  is instantly
falsified  by  testing  w/the  baked-to-order  pySPF  toolset  on  the

When  using  the postmaster(_at_)HELO as a synthetic MAIL FROM, there is no
other  SPF check to run to be RFC compliant, so there can be no "chain
of trust." Checking both HELO-as-HELO and postmaster(_at_)HELO-as-MAIL-FROM
(which  will in most cases be redundant) is an option, but also hardly
a "chain of trust."

An  edge case in which a PASS on HELO (as opposed to NONE or any other
result  on  HELO)  might  be a constant prerequisite when sending to a
given  server  is  if  that  server  has  the  custom policy "if *any*
checkable  part  of  a given envelope has a published SPF record, then
*all*  checkable  parts  must  have  published  SPF  and PASS." Or, of
course,  a  policy  that  requires  PASS on HELO for every connection,
period. Such policies may be interesting, but beyond RFC.


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