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Re: [spf-discuss] SPF, DKIM, and NIH

2009-10-16 19:05:50
How do the spammers know?  Well, as soon as they infect a PC, they
get all the addresses from the M$ AddressBook and phone home.

+1  on  the prevalence of this maneuver. OE and OL are the most common
targets since they are by far the most popular locally installed MUAs,
but the same can be done with plenty of other software as well. My The
Bat! ADBs are trivially extractable. Once you have admin access to the
machine,  reading  such lightly encoded or plain-text data is trivial.
The  only  thing  that  could  make it difficult is the MUA getting an
exclusive  lock  on  the files; even then, a trojan can sniff POP3 and
SMTP streams directly.

In all, I was surprised to see these tactics treated as improbable.

-- Sandy

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