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RE: Spear Phishing (was: [spf-discuss] SPF, DKIM, and NIH)

2009-10-21 15:01:47

On Wed, 21 Oct 2009, Stuart Gathman Wrote:
On Wed, 21 Oct 2009, Steven Dorst wrote:

Spear Phishing? That's a new term for me. How is that different from

Spear Phishing is aimed at a small number of high value targets,
e.g. employees of a particular bank, and is backed by research to make
the bait more authentic looking for that target.  

General phishing targets any fool anywhere in the world.

Stuart - Thanks for a clear and concise explanation!
Steven J Dorst
Sysadmin, Postmaster, Webmaster, etc., etc., etc.,
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