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Re: xslt processors

2004-10-09 04:43:11
On Friday 08 of October 2004 20:21, david_n_bertoni(_at_)us(_dot_)ibm(_dot_)com 
By the way, I'm not sure how you can report that Xalan-C is 4-5
times slower than xsltproc for the 17MB file when you killed the
process after 5 minutes!  That doesn't make any sense at all. Can
you elaborate more?

That's the problem. On small documents, XalanC is slower than 
xsltproc. On big documents, I can't compare, because xsltproc 
initialization tooks much time. So in this case, XalanC speed 
calculated from total time is better, but not sufficient for me.


Dusan Zatkovsky

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