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Re: xslt processors

2004-10-08 09:56:08
On Friday 08 of October 2004 18:41, Werner, Wolfgang wrote:
Perhaps you can tune you xsl once you know where the bottleneck is.

Bottleneck is simply select to some big element. I can't tune it. I 
have reduced my code to simple cycle for-each over big xml trees and 
selecting some simple data from it. It was slow.

                        <!-- many and many times again -->

<xslo:for-each select="data/cyc">
        <xslo:call-template name="templateDoingManyOperationsOverData">
                <xslo:with-param name="param1" select="."/>

<xslo:template name="templateDoingMany....">
        <xslo:param name="param1"/>

        <xslo:value-of select="$param1"/>

                Other lines of code (about 3000), which are disabled in comment.

And speed was very slow because <cyc> tree is very big. I have try to 
tell template only index (position) of current <cyc> from main 
template, but speed was slower in currently disabled code when 
referring to /data/cyc[position()=$index]/id many times instead of 


S pozdravom,
Dusan Zatkovsky

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