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Re: [xsl] Problem with iterating through a sequence of integers

2008-04-30 02:55:18
Michael Kay wrote:

  On the other hand, maybe a way to tell the processor to 
deactivate static error checks at one place (because we know 
the generated code there is correct even if it can look 
suspicious) would be interesting.

This is what "treat as" is designed for.

  Yes, it can help to solve the generation of errors while static
analysis.  I have a simple example it doesn't solve (I know this is a
sample different from the initial context of this thread), inspired
from Schematron implementation:

    (@* treat as node())/*

  This leads into a warning with Saxon telling that "The child axis
starting at an attribute node will never select anything."  That is
true.  But when the stylesheet is generated from a meta-stylesheet
(that contains the XPath expressions.)  On the other hand I wouldn't
want to introduce 'treat as' here to detect wrong expressions like '42'
(and in this case there are other techniques.)

  Anyway, the hint is interesting, thanks.



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