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Re: Character-set header (was Re: Minutes of the Atlanta 822ext meeting)

1991-09-11 17:45:28
I like John's idea of KHFO.

Would it then be possible to really free up the "type" field in the
Content-type header?  By which I mean, allow it to vary independent of
the format "sub-type", so that both

    Content-type: TEXT-PLUS/POSTSCRIPT

and (in a different message, of course :-)

    Content-type: IMAGE/POSTSCRIPT

would be allowed?  I think this would go a long way to removing some of
the semantics problems with the "type" field, but I remember some very
impassioned arguments about allowing a sub-type to appear only as a
sub-type of one particular type category (though the technical basis for
those arguments has escaped me).


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