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Re: quoted-phrase in content-disposition header

1995-01-17 09:25:10
At 3:17 PM 1/13/95, Keith Moore wrote:

parameter = attribute [ "=" value ]

attribute = token

value = ( token / quoted-string / encoded-word-list )

encoded-word-list = "[" *( encoded-word / atom ) "]"

I can buy that.

value = ( token / quoted-string / base64-chunk-list )

base64-chunk-list = [ charset ] "[" *base64-chunk "]"

base64-chunk = 1*17 ( 4*4 ( b64char ) )

b64char = Any of the ASCII characters:
         "A"-"Z", "a"-"z", "0"-"9", "+", "=", "/"

Or that.

I'd be happy with either suggestion; I like them both better than quoted-phrase.

Does anybody have a preference for one or the other?

Steve Dorner, Qualcomm Incorporated.  "Oog make mission statement."