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Re: [Asrg] Several Observations and a solution that addresses them all

2003-03-12 19:13:54
I came up with a possible spam solution that had quite a bit in common with Jason Hihn's proposal. Of course, I think mine's better in some important respects, but I would, wouldn't I? :-)

However, I'm not going to write it up, because it has the same problem as Jason's: there's no clear route from here to there. It requires e-mail to be sent via a fundamentally different protocol, rather than SMTP. There's no gain for early adopters, just expense and a limited audience.

It strikes me that there might be a way to get such a thing rolled out, however. Just don't call it e-mail.

For years now, we've been waiting for a unifying instant messaging and presence system. What if one was built, and it also had "delayed instant messages", which used this new e-m**l protocol that was spam-resistant?

Initially people would use the new system as their IM system; since there's not much good competition in IM, it wouldn't be impossible to give early adopters a clear gain. People are used to running IM alongside their existing e-mail client. Then as time went on, they'd start using the unified IM system for the messages currently sent by e-mail...

If we got assistance from the big boys (like AOL), we could get interoperability with the current IM systems. That would be a massive gain that would drive rapid adoption.


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