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Re: 5c. Message Status - Re: [Asrg] ASRG work items

2003-03-28 22:08:28
On Thu, Mar 27, 2003 at 09:07:13AM +0000, Jon Kyme wrote

[ ...Vernon said... ]
It's a bad idea because saying "ok, you're ok but no thanks" will get
you more spam.  Any expression sent to almost any mass mailer, no
matter how legitimate, is likely to be "checked," as in "6 months
(weeks, days, or hours) ago you said you didn't want to hear everything
from us.  surely you've changed your mind?"

[ ...Jon said... ]
Yes maybe - so they consult your consent again. 
Is there some problem with this?

  Yes.  It doesn't scale.  Imagine several million businesses on this
planet "just checking" with you every six months.  I don't really see
any difference between my inbox overflowing with a thousand spams per
day or a thousand "requests-for-you-to-please-opt-in,-pretty-please".

  To summarize... I'd love to see a truly working "Global opt-out list"
where I could say "No" once, and be done with bulk solicitions until
such time as I log in and change my prefs.  What I do *NOT* want is a
system where I have to say "No, no, a thousand times no" every day.
Even a system that generates 1000 requests per day that you can ignore
is still mailbombing.

Walter Dnes <waltdnes(_at_)waltdnes(_dot_)org>
An infinite number of monkeys pounding away on keyboards will
eventually produce a report showing that Windows is more secure,
and has a lower TCO, than linux.
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